Have you ever struggled with making a decision? Have you ever experienced that the more you analyse a situation, the more you cannot make a decision? Or perhaps you do not have any idea how to make a decision.
Every day we have to make decisions without even giving much thought or needing to analyse it first. However, there are times where we face some challenges in life and have doubts, and can struggle to make a decision, e.g. to make a relationship commitment – “Am I in the right relationship?”, moving house, moving state or country, moving jobs, buying the right property, etc. You might wonder why some people seem to not have any problem in making a big decision, while others struggle to make up their mind.
Often FEAR is the driving force behind the inability to make a decision. Fear of the consequences or the risks of making a decision makes people hesitant to make a change in their lives. Sometimes other people’s opinions and suggestions can be helpful, but at the same time, it can often add more confusion. Having too many alternatives or options can also be another contributing factor in being indecisive. However, you may feel stuck and have no idea at all what you can and need to do.
There are a couple of practical steps outlined below that may help you become more decisive:
- Be level-headed. Do not make a decision when you are emotional, because you will most likely make the wrong decision. You need to have a clear mind to make the right decision.
- Narrow your options down. If you have too many alternatives or options, you need to narrow down to two options only. Otherwise, it can be very difficult to navigate through your decision.
- Brainstorm. If you are in the opposite situation of the above, and have no idea what you can do, then you need to brainstorm to open your mind to possible options. Brainstorming does not need to be a list of things that are feasible, but it can also include crazy or impossible options. In doing so, it will help open your mind to see other options outside the box. Then choose two things that are the most possible options.
- List the pros and cons of your options. When you have either a brainstorming list or have narrowed down your options, the next step you need to do is create a table of pros and cons on each of your options. This can help you to choose which option is the best from the two. So, if you end up with longer pros in option 1 and longer cons in option 2, then you need to take option 1. If you end up with longer cons in option 1 and longer pros in option 2, then you need to take option 2. However, you need to be honest with yourself to get an accurate result.
- Listen to your gut feeling. Gut feeling is more about whether you are at peace for your best option. It is not about which one is less difficult, because sometimes the decision may involve some difficulties and yet you have a sense of peace with going ahead with it. Gut feeling functions as your intuition.
- Choose someone whom you trust to give feedback. Choose a person whom you trust and are honest in giving feedback about your decision, even though you may not like to hear their feedback. It will help you to make sure you don’t overlook your blind spots.
“There is no change without risk, but there is a bigger risk without a change!”
If you are not sure with your decision making or have some questions, you are welcome to write in the column below or call us. If you find this blog is helpful, please share it!